Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Did you know this?

Women who have not had children are more at risk for several health problems. Among them are osteoporosis and arthritis. Apparently the hormonal and cellular changes that come with pregnancy offer some protection against these ailments. Previous studies have shown that arthritis in particular affects more childless women. A new study just released backs that up. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington in Seattle studied nearly 2,000 women and found that those who had had at least one child were 39 percent less likely to have rheumatoid arthritis. They're not sure why but suggest that fetal cells transmitted to the mother during pregnancy help lower the risk. Read Reuters' report on this study at

Before you panic, remember all the health problems that can occur with pregnancy and childbirth and count your blessings.

Have you noticed any physical differences between yourself and your friends or relatives who have children? Let's talk about it.


EscapeVelocity said...

I have both hemorrhoids and heartburn without ever having been pregnant, which seems a little unfair. Also stretch marks (on my thighs) and the same kind of scar you get from a C-section (abdominal myomectomy). But no Cheerios in the car.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have noticed a physical difference...I'm thinner than they are! As surficial as it sounds, I'll take what I can get! (It seems to be the ONLY upside of never having been pregnant...)